Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fourteen Layers Of Heaven

I saw this cake a long time ago, and have been dreaming about it ever since.  I wanted to make it for some kind of "occasion" so I decided to do it for desert on Easter.  I used the Smith Family recipe, only I did fourteen layers instead of 12.  I also used a few other tips from Bakerella.
Fourteen pans (dollar store) you can cook three at a time.  Hey, it's better than washing pans in between cooking!

Are you drooling yet?

I topped it off with a chocolate buttercream frosting.  Only problem, I don't remember what buttercream recipe I used, but it was a good one. :)  We had to give most of the cake away because it was so big!  We couldn't have eaten it all, believe me....I tried.  Oh baby, come to mama.

Coconut Cuteness

We had a few family get togethers over spring break.  I found these cute flower cupcake papers by Wilton and thought they would be really cute with these yummy coconut cupcakes.
I used this Coconut Cupcake recipe.  I didn't use the frosting recipe that is listed there, but I used Swiss Meringue Buttercream and added some coconut flavoring.

I knew some people wouldn't be thrilled with so much coconut, so some of them have jelly beans instead.  I found this cute little "flower box" in the dollar bins at Target.  Me and my cousin dropped these off to my Grandpa and had a really great visit with him.