Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fourteen Layers Of Heaven

I saw this cake a long time ago, and have been dreaming about it ever since.  I wanted to make it for some kind of "occasion" so I decided to do it for desert on Easter.  I used the Smith Family recipe, only I did fourteen layers instead of 12.  I also used a few other tips from Bakerella.
Fourteen pans (dollar store) you can cook three at a time.  Hey, it's better than washing pans in between cooking!

Are you drooling yet?

I topped it off with a chocolate buttercream frosting.  Only problem, I don't remember what buttercream recipe I used, but it was a good one. :)  We had to give most of the cake away because it was so big!  We couldn't have eaten it all, believe me....I tried.  Oh baby, come to mama.

1 comment:

  1. That chocolate cake has my name written all over it!! Bring it on! Yummy!
